Day 5: Friday, 25 May, 1984

Got up at 8:30 and surveyed the damage last night's raccoon family had wrought. No breakfast. So I packed up and did a bit of bike investigation. Could find no reason for Gerald to complain [Gerald was the bike's name].

Well, I left. Stopped after a few km and went to dip Gerald's rear wheel in the Pacific. Took a dip myself. Cold!

Then, feeling cool and damp and hungry, I stopped at Wickanninish Bay for lunch. Met some people from the campground and talked to them. Got a pledge!

Then set off in the rain. Sore knee all the way and never once took off my poncho. Met a woman cycling alone and had a chat. Eventually rolled into Victor C.'s place after seven. Had a marvellous evening with them, tired as I was. Boy, they're terrific.

Long Beach to Port Alberni, B.C.
Trip Odometer: 458.0 km
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