Day 24: Wednesday, 13 June, 1984

Woke up fairly early and took off for North Battleford. Had a water problem. Not enough starting out. So I got really thirsty and eventually filled up at a beaver pond!

Didn't drink much of that. Soon got to a picnic ground with a pump! Had a leisurely lunch and then continued.

Long, uphill, upwind ride. God. So I eventually got to the top and had some downhills after that. Much needed.

Stopped a fair amount. Anyway, I was late getting in. First stop was CJNB, where I was interviewed. Then went and found Larry R. [friend from Saskatoon]. Went out for spaghetti and then went back to his place to sack out.

Meadow Lake to North Battleford, Sask.
Trip Odometer: 2,857.0 km
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