Day 33: Friday, 22 June, 1984

Got up late and took my time, doddling over breakfast. I had some porridge, but my milk was sour, so it was unadorned.

I eventually moseyed off in the afternoon, sneaking out to the highway through the back of the campsite (gasp!).

I had a nice ride as far as Minnedosa, but then I hit a big thunderstorm. Got offered a lift to Brandon but I declined. It was raining so hard it brought me and several cars to a halt.

However, I made it to Brandon and called for instructions. Brian S. [is the son of my godparents my godbrother?] met me outside Brandon and we rode to the S.' place. Great welcome. Food, help with the bike, etc.

Wasagaming to Brandon, Man.
Trip Odometer: 3,864.2 km
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