Day 43: Monday, 2 July, 1984

Got up and began packing. Did a little bike maintenance, etc. Eventually got going around noon. Tad late, what?

I rode south, going up and down a lot, and pushing against a wind (as usual). It took a rather long time to reach the junction with Hwy 11, but I did eventually.

When I turned east, the wind was more friendly. I rolled into Fort Frances at about 10 o'clock and stopped at the Dairy Queen for supper. I was just finishing and setting up to take off again when the editor of the local paper and a reporter walked out and asked me where I was going. Well, they got some pictures and a story.

Then I found a campsite, just out of town, quickly set up among the mosquitoes and sacked out.

Sioux Narrows Provincial Park to Fort Frances, Ont.
Trip Odometer: 4,736.9 km
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