Day 46: Thursday, 5 July, 1984

The W.'s and I got up and zipped into Thunder Bay. It was downhill and with the wind, so we went pretty quickly. Stopped at a doughnut place and had a snack and bid the Wilsons goodbye.

I went to tourist info and then bought a book, visited the newspaper, got some postcards, went to two radio stations, and bought groceries. Finally got away from Thunder Bay at 3:30 or so.

Stopped at the Terry Fox monument. Rather inspiring, actually.

Rode northeast in the rain. Eventually hit construction. Yuck. However, I made it to Red Rock.

Found Ihor R.--he didn't think I'd make it! Anyway, we had a few beers and talked a lot.

Near Conmee to Red Rock, Ont.
Trip Odometer: 5,193.9 km
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