Day 53: Thursday, 12 July, 1984

I got up extra early, skipped breakfast, and packed up. Caught the ferry. Met another cyclist as I got on. We talked and compared notes.

When we arrived at Tobermory we rode south together. Was nice to draft with someone. We made really good time, too. Stopped once or twice, for milkshakes, etc. Then in Wiarton his back wheel broke. I had to push on.

Got to Owen Sound and bought groceries. Had to wait around for the newspaper guy. Didn't get away till 8 p.m.

Rode south almost to Durham. Found a campsite where one guy was celebrating his 26th birthday. Had beer with them and a free campsite.

South Baymouth to Durham, Ont.
Trip Odometer: 6,222.9 km
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