Day 66: Wednesday, 25 July, 1984

Took off quite late this morning, after a shower, a leisurely breakfast, and some catching up in the diary.

Rode off, mostly downhill, but against a wind a bit. It wasn't too hot, anyway. I plowed along till I was almost to Carleton Place and then called Dad to let him know I was on my way in.

Stopped at Carleton Place to try and find Bob M. [mechanical engineering classmate], but he works in Ottawa now. So I carried on, taking a few shots of wildflowers along the way.

Met Jill [my sister] and Dad at Eagleson and Queensway. We came in mainly on bike paths. Got home and had hamburgers for supper.

Popped over to P.s' [friends] to see the new baby, etc. Came back and showed slides. Then took Jill home to her new apartment.

Silver Lake to Ottawa, Ont.
Trip Odometer: 7,008.3 km
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