Day 71: Monday, 30 July, 1984

I awoke fairly late today. Linda called in sick, so she was still around.

I eventually got a call from Joan T. [CUSO person], saying come down to the CUSO office around noon. I got packed up by then and rolled down the hill to the office. Oh--before that I called CHEZ radio in Ottawa and that went well. At CUSO I called to CBC Quebec City to set something up.

Dropped in on Kathy I. Seems she and Tex were on a boat, so that's how we missed each other last night.

Headed out of town at 3 p.m. and arrived Chez R. [family friends from Saskatoon] at 5:15. We went for a swim, had an excellent supper, and then watched some TV. I was quite tired when I got to bed.

Montreal to Mont-St.-Hilaire, Que.
Trip Odometer: 7,327.8 km
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