Day 78: Monday, 6 August, 1984

Got up at 8 a.m. and had a shower and read until the other three got up. We had breakfast together and then packed up and said goodbye.

I rode off at a good pace but eventually slowed down. I tried phoning CUSO once but it's a holiday in Ottawa. I bought groceries in Rimouski and then rode on. Passed by Mont-Joli without stopping.

Got to Sainte-Angele-de-Merici and found a campground. Set up after a hearty supper and went to bed early.

Lots of thunder in the vicinity. Might be a lousy day tomorrow. It gets dark much earlier now--I also couldn't find much on the radio here--just the BBC.

Trois-Pistoles to Sainte-Angele-de-Merici, Que.
Trip Odometer: 8,017.5 km
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