Day 86: Tuesday, 14 August, 1984

Got up and had breakfast and then went out to find the press. Stopped at CBC first and made an appointment for 11:30 a.m. Then talked to both newspapers. They both took pictures, etc. Then I had the interview at CBC and then had one at another radio station. They both went all right.

I then rode out of town and headed to the east end of the island. I rolled up to the home of the family of Dad's friend in Ottawa. The welcomed me [even though, as I later learned, Dad's friend had not warned them I was coming--she said, "When is he getting there?" and Dad said, "He was there last night!"]

Had a wonderful fish dinner and a nice evening. I was pretty ready to sleep by 11 o'clock, though. Lots of history in this area--it's pretty interesting.

Charlottetown to near Souris, P.E.I.
Trip Odometer: 8,950.0 km
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