Day 90: Saturday, 18 August, 1984

Well, I got up 8:30ish and had breakfast with the T.s. At about 10 o'clock a few people came over and we sat on the balcony and talked, about my trip and other things. At 11:30 we popped down to the post office and I got photographed. Went back and had lunch and then I was ready to take off.

I didn't travel overly fast today, but it was mostly easy riding through the Annapolis Valley. I met a couple of cyclists from Vermont.

There's reportedly a Ploughshares guy near here, but he wasn't home, so I climbed the side of the valley near Bridgetown to a campground. Have to get going early tomorrow to get the 12:30 Digby ferry.

Wolfville to Bridgetown, N.S.
Trip Odometer: 9,349.6 km
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