The Western Canon

These are the works I read, after reading The Western Canon by Harold Bloom.

Author Works
William Shakespeare Complete works
Dante Alighieri The Divine Comedy, translated by Laurence Binyon
Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales
Miquel de Cervantes Saavedra Don Quixote, translated by Samuel Putnam
Michel de Montaigne Essays, translated by Donald Frame

(translated by Richard Wilbur)
The Misanthrope
The School for Wives
The Learned Ladies
(translated by Donald Frame)
Don Juan
School for Husbands
Ridiculous Precieuses
The Would-Be Gentleman
The Miser
The Imaginary Invalid

John Milton Paradise Lost
Samuel Johnson Samuel Johnson: A Critical Edition of the Major Works (Oxford University Press)
Life of Johnson, by James Boswell
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Faust, Parts One and Two, translated by Stuart Atkins
Dr. Faustus, Christopher Marlowe (just for comparison - and I found it easier reading than Goethe; it was in a collection of Elizabethan plays by various playwrights)
William Wordsworth Poems (The Major Works, Oxford World's Classics, and parts of the Complete Poetical Works, also from Oxford University Press)
The Prelude
Jane Austen Persuasion
Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass, first edition
Leaves of Grass, ninth and final edition
Emily Dickinson Complete Poems
Charles Dickens Bleak House
George Eliot Middlemarch
Leo Tolstoy Collected Shorter Fiction, Volumes 1 and 2, translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude and Nigel J. Cooper
Henrik Ibsen Peer Gynt, translated by Rolf Fjelde
Sigmund Freud The Interpretation of Dreams, translated by Joyce Crick
Marcel Proust In Search of Lost Time (Remembrance of Things Past), translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff, Terence Kilmartin, and D.J. Enright
James Joyce Ulysses
Ulysses Annotated: Notes for James Joyce's Ulysses, by Don Gifford, with Robert J. Seidman
Virginia Woolf Orlando: A Biography
Mrs. Dalloway
To the Lighthouse
The Waves
Franz Kafka The Complete Stories, various translators
The Blue Octavo Notebook,
translated by Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins
translated by Willa and Edwin Muir
The Trial,
translated by Breon Mitchell
The Castle,
translated by Mark Harman
Jorge Luis Borges

The Aleph and Other Stories, translated by Andrew Hurley
Dreamtigers (The Maker), translated by Mildred Boyer and Harold Morland
Ficciones, various translators
Labyrinths, various translators
A Personal Anthology, various translators

Pablo Neruda Canto General, translated by Jack Schmitt
Fernando Pessoa The Keeper of Sheep, translated by Edwin Honig and Susan M. Brown
Poems, translated by Edwin Honig and Susan M. Brown
Samuel Beckett

Waiting for Godot
Krapp's Last Tape

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