Day 17: Wednesday, 6 June, 1984

Started out from the hostel this morning and rode to the Icefields, where the cycling group caught up to me. I bought a postcard. Then I fixed one girl's brakes. Wouldn't be very good to let her head down the hill with no brakes.

Then I left. Zipped down the hill. Stopped by the hostel where they are staying and left a note.

I had a good ride to Jasper. Bit of a wind against me but not too strong. Met four other cyclists--two from Holland, one from Britain, and one Australian.

Bought groceries in Jasper and had no time for doddling so I headed out. God, what a wind. Pushed against it all the way to Pocahontas. Then climbed a 2 km hill to the campsite. Brutal day.

Sunwapta Pass to Pocahontas, Alta.
Trip Odometer: 1,846.3 km
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