Day 18: Thursday, 7 June, 1984

I got a late start today. Rode to Hinton, facing a slight easterly.

When I got there I went to the newspaper office and got interviewed and photographed. Then I called Boyd M. at CUSO and got good news about the media, etc., for the next few major centres.

Continued on in the rain and against the wind (and uphill for a while). Made it to Edson where my nose led me to a Kentucky Fried Chicken (I had a craving for the stuff).

Then I intended to ride 32 km to a campground. It wasn't there. Continued to a farm where the lights were on. Asked permission from a lady to pitch a tent. She said yes, but then a guy came out and told me to leave ten minutes later. So I rode on another 16 km and found a campground at midnight.

Pocahontas to near Evansburg, Alta.
Trip Odometer: 2,027.8 km
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