Day 20: Saturday, 9 June, 1984

Slept in till 10:30 or so. Had breakfast and called Doug V. [a friend from Saskatoon]. He sounded all right. Agreed to pop over in the afternoon. Dave and Lindy S. [more CUSOBOTs] called and wanted to see me this evening.

So I did things like drying out my tent and cleaning my knapsack. Then went out shopping. Bought a postcard. Doug V. was along on that jaunt, so we got lots of talking done. Kilimanjaro in 1987 is still on [that sure never happened!].

Had my interview with the Edmonton Journal at five. That was neat. Thought of two or three things I should have said after, though. They took a roll of film.

Then had a great supper at Aunt Sheila's. Went to S.'s for a while. Kids were both asleep, but I had a good visit. Then went back to W.'s and visited until about 1 or 1:30.

Edmonton, Alta.
Trip Odometer: 2,196.7 km
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