Day 21: Sunday, 10 June, 1984

Got up at 8:30 or so. Had a shower and then breakfasted with cousin Erinne and Auntie Sheila. Great pancakes. I packed everything up. Felt a certain reluctance to leave such a congenial place to stay. Oh well, only five days to Saskatoon.

I rode to Fort Saskatchewan and stopped there to see the museum. A special event was on so, for example, one house that had been moved to the site was being shown by a lady who had lived in it.

Anyway, I rode onwards. Called Blair P. [friend in Saskatoon] and Mom during the day.

Rode till after nine and then stopped to camp in a nice little spot. Standard northern prairie campground. Since it's dry, it's a much easier camping experience than I had before Edmonton.

Edmonton to near Vilna, Alta.
Trip Odometer: 2,350.5 km
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