Day 22: Monday, 11 June, 1984

Got up at 8, but didn't leave till 11:30 or so. I was ambling along, not going very fast. Eventually ran into a bunch of oil on the cracks in the road. I don't know what this does for the road, but it made my tires so sticky that they picked up glass and I got a flat.

I scraped the goo off for over an hour. Yuck. So I rode on into Bonnyville to buy supper, etc. Got into so many conversations that it took more than an hour.

A little rain in the evening. I rode till really late because of all my delays. It was a bit hard to find Cold Lake Provincial Park with the directions I got. So I didn't bother with supper; just went to bed.

Near Vilna to Cold Lake, Alta.
Trip Odometer: 2,519.7 km
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