Day 26: Friday, 15 June, 1984

Up at 7:45. Quick bath and then breakfast and off to meet the press on bicycle with Don B. [CUSO rep.] We went to CFQC for a radio interview with Roy Norris and then the Star Phoenix and then CFQC-TV on the noon show with Greg Barnsley. All went really well.

Then we went out to Develcon. They were completely uninterested, but individuals were prepared to make some pledges.

Then back downtown. A bit of business at Joe's Cycles and then at CUSO. Then checked in at P.'s and then to Gary B.'s for supper. That was great. Susan F. and Russ B. and Blair and his "significant other" were there. I really porked out.

After that most of us went back to Blair's and worked on the bicycle till the tar was gone.

Saskatoon, Sask.
Trip Odometer: 3,038.8 km
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