Day 27: Saturday, 16 June, 1984

I slept in again. Reread "San Diego Lightfoot Sue." The female lead in that short story remains the only fictional character I've ever fallen in love with. Tom Reamy's best work.

After that I had breakfast and started packing up. Got into a long conversation with Blair and Linda [his sister] and stayed and stayed. We eventually went to Joe's Cycles and bought a new pump. Came home and fixed my front tire.

Finally was ready to leave. Felt again a certain reluctance to leave good surroundings and people. Got as far as Safeway's, where I bought food. There I met Erwin H. [Katja's dad] and we chatted.

Rode off to a campsite or picnic site actually and stopped there. Two guys pulled in next to me so we drank beer and told jokes for a few hours.

Saskatoon to Elstow, Sask.
Trip Odometer: 3,084.4 km
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