Day 28: Sunday, 17 June, 1984

I slept in again--I'm getting really sloppy that way. I had a leasurely breakfast and got into reading The Covenant. Then took my tent down. Had to sew a grommet back in. So I didn't actually leave till 2 p.m.

By that time I had a massive wind behind me. Hit 18th gear--50.4 km/h at one point. At Plunkett I stopped to phone home and then the S.'s [my godparents]. Good to talk to Mom and Dad, etc.

Then I continued plowing along at incredible speeds. Stopped at the Kandahar Steak House for supper. That wasn't as good as I remembered. Oh well.

Rode on to Wynyard and found Bill C.'s and Dale D.'s [friends of Dad's] place and scrounged a place to crash.

Elstow to Wynyard, Sask.
Trip Odometer: 3,228.6 km
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