Day 36: Monday, 25 June, 1984

Rose late and began to get set. I showered and had breakfast. Had lots of food given to me by Aunt Joy (or whatever I'm supposed to call her). Packed up and left after noon.

Rode into town and found Brian. He took lots of pictures and then we moseyed over to the radio-TV station and did an interview. Said goodbye to Brian. I got a real kick out of him.

Rode out of town towards Shilo. Eventually got onto a gravel road that went south. Got a bit lost, but eventually found my way to the camp where Janet is involved in an archeological dig.

Got a tour of the dig and after supper had a long talk with the head of the project. Learned a lot. This is a Hudson Bay Co. House that they're digging up.

Brandon to south of Shilo, Man.
Trip Odometer: 3,941.4 km
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