Day 37: Tuesday, 26 June, 1984

Was awakened for breakfast. It was raining, so the group did not head out to the dig, but instead stayed to catalogue artifacts. So I stuck around to wait out the rain.

Got caught up in my journal and packed up and generally watched what was going on. Also collected a pledge or two.

Took off down the gravel road. It was a bit damp and muddy, but not too bad. Made it across the ferry to Hwy 2.

Turned off after buying food in Glenboro, to have lunch and a look at a desert in Spruce Woods. Amazing--real dunes and everything.

From there I went back to Hwy 2 and on to Treverne, where I found a campground. Had a good conversation with some guys from Montreal.

South of Shilo to Treherne, Man.
Trip Odometer: 4,057.8 km
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