Day 38: Wednesday, 27 June, 1984

Got up to the sound of lawn mowing. This was fortunate, because I would have slept in otherwise. Had a shower, breakfasted, and then gave the rest of my bread to those two Montrealers, because theirs walked off in the night.

I rode down the road about 11 o'clock. Called CUSO at one point. Just kept trucking along. Ignored one detour sign, which was a good decision. I just had to push my bike across the dirt road beside the bridge that was out. Stopped for a beer and they told me the detour was really bumpy.

Anyway, I carried on into Winnipeg. Arrived at Nanoo's [my grandmother] about 7:30 or 8. Had supper and spent a lot of the evening on the phone to various people. Talked to Mom and Dad, to two CUSO types here, the S.'s [second cousins once removed?], and Katharine C. [friend from Saskatoon].

Treherne to Winnipeg, Man.
Trip Odometer: 4,181.8 km
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