Day 48: Saturday, 7 July, 1984

Slept in till 9 or so. After breakfast I met a couple of other cyclists. They started in Winnipeg and are going to the East Coast. One of them wants to be in Waterloo at the same time as I do.

Anyway, I left and rode off down the road. Listened to the radio as I rode. I kept hearing a call for people to join a search for a guy out in the bush.

I got to that area and saw a bunch of guys drinking beer. They waved one at me so I stopped. Turns out they found the guy.

I rode on. Ate in a restaurant in White River. Met some of the searchers again.

Then headed south. Was given another beer just before Obatanga Park. Either the map and road signs are funny or my odometer is wrong today.

Neys Provincial Park to Obatanga Provincial Park, Ont.
Trip Odometer: 5,482.5 km
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