Day 49: Sunday, 8 July, 1984

Got up late and packed up. Didn't get away till close to noon. Rode into Wawa and went to tourist information. I asked the girl to point out a campground 100 km away and she said Pancake Bay. That is 100 miles away, but I couldn't get anything else out of her.

Anyway, I went part way into town to get a few groceries. Then I phoned Kevin [my brother] and talked to him for a while.

Then left for Lake Superior Provincial Park. I rode through that until late in the evening and eventually reached a campground at the south end of it that was about 100 km from Wawa. That will enable me to get past the Sault tomorrow.

Roads were pretty empty today. Not much traffic on Sundays.

Obatanga Provincial Park to Lake Superior Provincial Park, Ont.
Trip Odometer: 5,615.4 km
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