Day 50: Monday, 9 July, 1984

I woke up to the sound of a squirrel trying to get at my GORP. I threw a stone at it and it went away. Got up and breakfasted.

Got away about 11 and rode to the nearest town. Spent a while looking at wood carvings and stuff. Then rode on.

Met some cyclists halfway to Sault Ste. Marie. They told me they had come mainly downhill since SSM. This would have put them well under the surface of the lake.

I carried on and got to Sault about 7:30. Called Dad from a Kentucky Fried Chicken and ate there. Then headed east into much easier riding. Now some bimbos are keeping me awake with their stereo.

Lake Superior Provincial Park to near Echo Bay, Ont.
Trip Odometer: 5,750.1 km
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