Day 57: Monday, 16 July, 1984

I got up at the same time as Kevin and began doing laundry. I didn't go at it in an extremely energetic manner, so it took all morning.

In the meantime I talked to Tina and her friends [Tina was a neighborhood kid]. Seven-year-olds are interesting conversationalists.

Eventually moseyed down to the University. Picked up a roll of developed slides on the way--great exposure. Set up some interviews with Gazette and Imprint [campus papers], talked to Susan I., picked up OSAP [Ontario Student Assistance Program--also known as the Ontario Stereo Acquisition Program by the more cynical] forms, etc.

Came home and ate supper with the mob. Kevin didn't feel like working on his item [some report, as I recall], so I stayed home and watched TV, etc. I need some mindless time. Pete H. [friend from university] was here, too, and Dave C. [housemate from university] and he and I had a long visit.

Waterloo, Ont.
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