Day 58: Tuesday, 17 July, 1984

Woke up fairly early. Was at the credit union waiting for it to open, because it didn't open till 10 a.m. I got through there as soon as I could.

Bought a tire and then showed up at the Gazette. Had a good interview with a woman there and then the Imprint called and I rushed over there and did an interview with its editor. I talked to Rich C. [a CUSOBOT] after that and then went to Project Ploughshares.

Eventually got home. Kevin and I went to the University and worked on an IBM for a while, so I could learn the word processor.

After supper I showed my slides--great exposure! The went back and typed Kevin's report till about 1 a.m. We hit the sack around 2.

Waterloo, Ont.
Trip Odometer: 6,409.0 km
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