Day 73: Wednesday, 1 August, 1984

Crossed the bridge again, because I had heard that the south side of the river was nicer. It was pretty nice, all right. There was one church that was pretty impressive.

I stopped for tourist info and it was the same woman as yesterday (!?!) Nice person, too.

Anyway, I had to carry on. Rode pretty steadily, with a stop or two for ice cream.

Soon I was at Levis. I plunged down the hill to the ferry, braking hard. Got on and crossed to Quebec and then had an incredible climb. Stood on the pedals in first gear, but I made it.

Found space at one youth hostel. Met two other cyclists. Went out for Greek food and then back to the hostel and to bed early.

Trois-Rivieres to Quebec, Que.
Trip Odometer: 7,630.1 km
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