Day 74: Thursday, 2 August, 1984

Today I got up bright and early and went to CBC. The interview went well and I got over $100 in donations! They were rather nice in there.

I went to Tourist Info after that and got a walking tour of Quebec pamphlet. So off I set. It was a really hot day, so I had ice cream cones, etc., along the way.

Towards the end of the day I arrived at one park where there was a tour of the old redoubt, etc. [Parc de l'Artillerie.] The tour guide was cute--she made a donation and we got talking and we decided I'd give her a call at 7 p.m.

So after clothes washing, supper with two other cyclists, and a conversation in French with people at the hostel, I met her and her friend and we went to an outdoor concert and wandered around the old port.

Quebec, Que.
Trip Odometer: 7,630.1 km
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