Day 75: Friday, 3 August, 1984

Got up a little late, had breakfast and packed up, said goodbye to various new friends at the hostel (I'm sure glad I'm not overly shy) and headed out.

Moseyed along as far as Beaupre without much difficulty. Then there's a mammoth hill and another one and another one. Kept climbing for a few hours and eventually got to a sign that said 7 to 10% downgrades for 20 km. Well, it wasn't solidly downhill, but it was fun.

Eventually got to Baie-St.-Paul and bought a few groceries. Then an incredible (gravel) hill to the hostel. I got halfway and then two guys helped me push Gerald.

Bought supper and camped here. The view is one of the best I've ever seen.

Quebec to Baie-St.-Paul, Que.
Trip Odometer: 7,731.8 km
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